Copywriting. Consultancy. Client service.
When you need one extra person on your team, you need One Extra Word.
We provide freelance support to help businesses do better marketing. Whether you need words writing, ideas generating, or projects delivering, we are the one extra word in
Copywriting...that speaks,
Consultancy...that listens,
Client Service...that delivers.
Get in touch for a free, no-strings chat about your business need now. Or explore the site to find out more about how we do what we do.
Writing. Thinking. Delivering.

1 Extra Word writes copy that people want to read.
Copywriting isn't just what you say. Copywriting is how you say it.
Copywriters talk about SEO, readability, keywords and rules, rules, rules.
We talk about people listening.
We write how people talk.

1 Extra Word provides consultancy built around your business.
Consultancy. For some, a dirty word.
Consultancy is shiny-suited salespeople. Consultancy sells pre-packaged, patent-pending, platforms.
We don't come with any preconceptions. We come with open minds and open ears.
As consultants, we really listen.

1 Extra Word project managers do more than just manage projects.
Call it client service. Call it project management. It takes more to deliver your project than a timing plan.
We offer client service that really serves your business.
We reduce duplication, simplify processes, and ensure efficiency.