One extra word in client service.

Client service that delivers.
Sometimes your project just needs more resource.
Or, as we call resource, people.
'Resource' is product. It will deliver what you tell it to deliver.
'Resource' will keep your timing plan updated and your contact reports saved.
'Resource' will sort your delivery. Like bread and water will sort your hunger. It will do its job. No more. No less.

Our approach.
We've oodles of experience working client service in many leading agencies.
It means we've probably been there.
And we've likely done that.
So you can definitely be done with worrying.
With 1 Extra Word, a freelance project manager comes with a pair of hands so safe, they should carry the BSI Kitemark. When they spot ground, they get on their marks. When they buy shirts, they choose those with the sleeves pre-rolled.
We've delivered marketing campaigns across pretty much every business to business and business to consumer vertical. From small scale for blue chips. To ground-breaking for start-ups. And vice versa, of course.
We don’t just want the job to be out.
We want the job to be outstanding.
Prick us and we will bleed Client Service. Project Management is in our blood.
We've been doing it for a quarter of a century.
Here are just some of the businesses for whom we have delivered marketing campaigns over the years.
Not what you're looking for?
Can we help with copywriting?
Or with our consultancy offering?
Or just take a break and play some Words With Friends. Just don't forget about us. We will be here waiting.